Wednesday, February 3, 2021

'Nightmares in a Damaged Brain' (1981) - Romano Scavolini.

One of the more infamously vicious video nasties, the tumultuously terrifying, murderously mesmeric, mouth-frothingly murderous slasher, 'Nightmares in a Damaged Brain' is riotously replete with enough bravura blood-letting to vicariously thrill the most jaded terror-seekers! This primal expose of gruesomely tormented mental patient George (Baird Stafford), gorily unleashes a tantalizingly twisted torrent of uncommonly grisly, perversely parricidal axe mutilation! Splatter Mad-hatter, Romano Scavolini's sensationally schizoid, carotid shredding, sordidly stab-happy 80s slasher is an exhilaratingly orgiastic, aorta-quivering exercise in diabolically decapitating, erotically eviscerating, babysitter-slaying dementia! 

Scavolini's provocative, sensationally sanguineous, uncommonly sleazy, Times Square stalking, bourgeois-baiting, hyperbolically hateful horror film was deemed so uncommonly profane at the time, it remains the ONLY theatrical feature EVER to be rated FBI for 'Felonious Bloody Insanity!!!!' (deeper voice)'Bolt your doors!!! Bar your windows!!! Don't Go In The basement!!! Don't Answer The Phone!...You can even try holding your breath! But PRAY to god HE doesn't know you're home!'

'Nothing says video nasty louder than psycho kid with an axe!'

'I'm walkin' here!'

'Goose-pimpler classics!!!' Right on! Sign me up!

'I dig a more complex guy!'

'Almost perfect technique, Tatum! Ya' left one nostril open tho'. (9/10!)

'Oh! B/W poster thingy! Nice!

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The Rage (1997) - Sidney J. Furie. Dower Mindhunter agent Travis (Lamas) teams up with sexy/sparky FBI pistol Kelly McCord (Kristen Cloke) ...