'Tiptoes' (2003) - Matthew Bright.
Dudely stud Matthew McConaughey plays 'Matthew McConaughey' to Kate
Beckinsale's adorbs Kate Beckinsale with their dramatical matters being
exquisitely enlivened by the sudden, and entirely unexpected arrival of
Steve's (McConaughey) Dwarf twin brother Rolfe (Gary Oldman) turning
up uninvited on her doorstep thereby single-handedly galvanizing the
ongoing melodrama as the sublimely beauteous
and increasingly distraught Carol (Beckinsale) discovers that she is
pregnant, her elation visibly not shared by
her strongly baby-resistant, muscle-headed, blond-haired fireman
beau-chested beau!
The film's narrative anchor is quite clearly Oldman's sensitive, insecure Rolfe who provides the essential gravitas that engenders a dramatic curiosity like 'Tiptoes' with a much bigger heart than one might initially think possible. Somewhat neglected over the years Matthew Bright's admittedly uneven family drama is not quite the movie misshape some might suggest it is. While remaining a singularly odd proposition that might not be endowed with broad appeal, this bizarre little love story has much to recommend it, not least being Gary Oldman's moving portrayal of the emotional and physically beleaguered Rolfe which so effectively plucks at the ol' heart strings. Whether anyone else might share my appreciation of Bright's altogether credible filmmaking folly is hard to say, perhaps it will remain a rarefied pleasure, while not everything herein works seamlessly, with some of the more awkwardly conceived scenes feeling a trifle forced, overall it is never less than engaging and occasionally being remarkably honest, granted, just because something is deliberately 'different' doesn't automatically guarantee cinematic worthiness or narrative interest but in this case 'vive la differance!'
'The dramatic curiosity 'Tiptoes' has a much bigger heart than one might initially think!'
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