Saturday, June 29, 2024

'Who is Bozo Texino?' (2005) - Bill Daniel.

A hypnotically monochromatic peek into the altogether tantalizing, wholly mysterious, esoteric world of obscure Freight-Hopping Graffitists. An intriguing substratum of humanity, often colourfully expounded in Blues/folk/Bluegrass songs, but poorly understood by mainstream society. These captivating stories, and hard-earned philosophies are grittily expressed by an engaging array of charismatic individuals. 'Who is Bozo Texino?' is an excitingly mounted, visually compelling travelogue revealing the deepest thoughts, biting wit, and wily deeds of these happily indigent boxcar artisans! I massively enjoyed Bill Daniel's energizing B/W documentary, and I can happily confirm that Who is Bozo Texino? remains a pertinent question well worth the asking. It's always edifying listening to insightful interviews with rugged individualists who have taken the courageous step to forge a meagre existence beyond the increasingly oppressive confines of 'civilized society'. 

 To be absent from society is to be on a higher plane!” 



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