Wednesday, August 14, 2024

'The Master Demon' (1991) – Art Camacho & Samuel Oldham.


A centuries old conflict betwixt good and evil is to be fought in the present, martial arts master Tong Lee (Eric Lee) is grimly fated, once again, to battle the fiendish Master Demon (Gerald Okamura). With mankind's destiny held precariously in the balance, Kung Fu powerhouse Lee must call upon his prodigious combat skills to prevent a demon-seeded apocalypse!!! Let's get uncommonly real, any luridly low budget Martial Arts action spectacular that excitingly commences with a gonzo Kung Fu battle featuring a deliciously demonic Gerald Okamura is objectively going to be far groovier than anything you might have otherwise chosen to watch. A seriously sinewy Tong Lee proves electric as the heroic white warrior, charismatic B-icon Gerald Okamura is on dynamically Stentorian form as the malefic Master Demon, and his sinisterly sexy sidekick Medusa (Kay Baxter Young) makes for a memorably muscular, magnificently man-mashing Amazon! With a consistently entertaining Ed Wooden aesthetic, the exhilaratingly scrap-happy The master Demon is some idiot savant level chop-schlocky genius, baby! Z-Grade filmmaking coupled with A-list lunacy is a red-hot recipe for B-movie batso brilliance!!!


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